Kacha Bartha / EggPlant Dip & Award :)

I know a lot of us don't like eggplant but even eggplant haters likes when it is served as bhartha. I think the spices, tomato and mashed eggplant with out skin makes it very different and totally tasty.But for kacha bartha you don't need any spices just fresh tomato and onions. It tastes wonderful with roti or spread on a piece of grilled french / italian bread. Its good to serve as a dip with crackers too.

Big Purple Eggplant - 1 (1 lb)
Tomato - 1/4 cup chopped fine
Onion - 1/4 cup chopped fine
Hot green chili - 1 tsp chopped fine
Coriander Leaves - 1 tbsp

For Tempering :
Mustard - 1/2 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Oil - 2 tsp

1. Wash and cook eggplant on gas flame or broil it in oven.
( Cooking directly over flame is important as it gives the bhartha a wonderful charred flavor.Or throw it directly on the real wood charcoal in a grill and it tastes wonderful)
2. Cool ,peel and take out the pulp.
3. Mash the pulp with a fork and add tomoato,onion,chilli.
4. Heat oil add mustard.
5. When mustard pops add cumin and cook for a minute.
6.Pour over the eggplant mash and keep aside.
7. When ready to serve add salt and corinader leaves and mix well.
8. Sere with roti or grilled french or italian bread.

Award Time :)

Preeti thank you very much for passing this award to me and its really a big encouragement.

This Kreativ Blogger Award comes up with some set of rules and here are the rules--

1.Thank the person giving the award.

2.Copy the award to your blog.

3.Place a link to their blog.

4.Name 7 things people don't know about you.

5.Nominate 7 bloggers

6.Place a link to those bloggers

7.Leave a comment letting those bloggers know about the award.

7 things about me

I love to cook and eat.
But hate to do dishes :).
I hate egg plant.
But love bhartha.
I love Fall and fall colors.
I love snow in winter.

Now I pass this award to my fellow bloggers:-


  1. Yeah even i hate egg plant but always ready for a bhartha!!

  2. Sounds great as a dip.. and you are right I mostly like egg plants as bharta..other than bagara baingan.

  3. Me too! Bhartha makes brinjal much more edible :-).Lovely recipe

  4. That's so true..Congrats on your award and thanks for thinking about us..so sweet of you :-)

  5. congrats for award

    and eggplant dip is a neat idea

  6. Thanks for the award Nisha Received it with pleasure! :)

  7. Congratulations on the award:):).. and nice recipe!!.. new to me:). nice click!

  8. I love eggplant and your dip looks awesome :)
